ENO Schoolnet é uma rede global para o desenvolvimento sustentável e paz no planeta. Escolas ao redor do mundo estudam as questões ambientais, compartilham conhecimentos e resultados de aprendizagem e fazem pactos concretos para alcançar o equilíbrio com o planeta. É coordenado pelo Programa ENO sediado em Joensuu, na Finlândia. Conta com o apoio de inúmeras organizações e redes, incluindo a Organização das Nações Unidas para o Ambiente.

quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2012

Convite RIO +20

State Secretary of Education of São Paulo
Att.  Márcia Renata Latrova
Dinorá Brito School Principal

13 June 2012

Greetings from Finland

I am Mika Vanhanen, founder and director of Environment Online-ENO.

Environment Online – ENO is a global virtual school and network for sustainable development where thousands of schools around the world study same environmental issues locally and share the results of learning globally on the web. The ENO programme started in 2000 and is administrated by the ENO Programme Association in Finland.       
We would like to congratulate the Dinorá Brito State School of City of São José dos Campos for the involvement since 2009 specially the Teacher Rosa Maria de Sousa Santos for her environmental education actions and participation in the ENO book - Planting Seeds of Action , to be released in ENO RIO +20.

Hoping to find you at RIO +20 Conference, on June 22, at 10 o'clock in RIOCENTRO, where we will make a great meeting with all participants in the ENO Programme.

Kind Regards

Mr Mika Vanhanen
Siltakatu 12 B 14
80100 Joensuu

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